:orphan: # MATSOLVERSUPERLU "superlu" - A solver package providing solvers LU and ILU for sequential matrices via the external package SuperLU. Use `./configure --download-superlu` to have PETSc installed with SuperLU Use `-pc_type lu` `-pc_factor_mat_solver_type superlu` to use this direct solver ## Options Database Keys - ***-mat_superlu_equil -*** Equil (None) - ***-mat_superlu_colperm -*** (choose one of) `NATURAL`, `MMD_ATA MMD_AT_PLUS_A`, `COLAMD` - ***-mat_superlu_iterrefine -*** (choose one of) `NOREFINE`, `SINGLE`, `DOUBLE`, `EXTRA` - ***-mat_superlu_symmetricmode: -*** SymmetricMode (None) - ***-mat_superlu_diagpivotthresh <1> -*** DiagPivotThresh (None) - ***-mat_superlu_pivotgrowth -*** PivotGrowth (None) - ***-mat_superlu_conditionnumber -*** ConditionNumber (None) - ***-mat_superlu_rowperm -*** (choose one of) `NOROWPERM`, `LargeDiag` - ***-mat_superlu_replacetinypivot -*** ReplaceTinyPivot (None) - ***-mat_superlu_printstat -*** PrintStat (None) - ***-mat_superlu_lwork <0> -*** size of work array in bytes used by factorization (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_droptol <0> -*** ILU_DropTol (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_filltol <0> -*** ILU_FillTol (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_fillfactor <0> -*** ILU_FillFactor (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_droprull <0> -*** ILU_DropRule (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_norm <0> -*** ILU_Norm (None) - ***-mat_superlu_ilu_milu <0> -*** ILU_MILU (None) ## Notes Do not confuse this with `MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST` which is for parallel sparse solves Cannot use ordering provided by PETSc, provides its own. ## See Also [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `PCLU`, `PCILU`, `MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST`, `MATSOLVERMUMPS`, `PCFactorSetMatSolverType()`, `MatSolverType` ## Level beginner ## Location src/mat/impls/aij/seq/superlu/superlu.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex52.c
--- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/mat/impls/aij/seq/superlu/superlu.c) [Index of all Mat routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)