:orphan: # KSPSetUpOnBlocks Sets up the preconditioner for each block in the block Jacobi, block Gauss-Seidel, and overlapping Schwarz methods. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscksp.h" #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode KSPSetUpOnBlocks(KSP ksp) ``` Collective ## Input Parameter - ***ksp -*** the `KSP` context ## Notes `KSPSetUpOnBlocks()` is a routine that the user can optionally call for more precise profiling (via -log_view) of the setup phase for these block preconditioners. If the user does not call `KSPSetUpOnBlocks()`, it will automatically be called from within `KSPSolve()`. Calling `KSPSetUpOnBlocks()` is the same as calling `PCSetUpOnBlocks()` on the PC context within the `KSP` context. ## See Also [](ch_ksp), `PCSetUpOnBlocks()`, `KSPSetUp()`, `PCSetUp()`, `KSP` ## Level advanced ## Location src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex10.c
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