:orphan: # KSPPREONLY This implements a method that applies ONLY the preconditioner exactly once. This may be used in inner iterations, where it is desired to allow multiple iterations as well as the "0-iteration" case. It is commonly used with the direct solver preconditioners like `PCLU` and `PCCHOLESKY`. There is an alias of `KSPNONE`. ## Options Database Key - ***-ksp_type preonly -*** use preconditioner only ## Notes Since this does not involve an iteration the basic `KSP` parameters such as tolerances and iteration counts do not apply To apply multiple preconditioners in a simple iteration use `KSPRICHARDSON` ## Developer Note Even though this method does not use any norms, the user is allowed to set the `KSPNormType` to any value. This is so the users does not have to change `KSPNormType` options when they switch from other `KSP` methods to this one. ## See Also [](ch_ksp), `KSPCreate()`, `KSPSetType()`, `KSPType`, `KSP`, `KSPRICHARDSON`, `KSPCHEBYSHEV` ## Level beginner ## Location src/ksp/ksp/impls/preonly/preonly.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex52.c
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