:orphan: # KSPMatSolveTranspose Solves a linear system with the transposed matrix with multiple right-hand sides stored as a `MATDENSE`. Unlike `KSPSolveTranspose()`, `B` and `X` must be different matrices and the transposed matrix cannot be assembled explicitly for the user. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscksp.h" #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode KSPMatSolveTranspose(KSP ksp, Mat B, Mat X) ``` ## Input Parameters - ***ksp -*** iterative context - ***B -*** block of right-hand sides ## Output Parameter - ***X -*** block of solutions ## Notes This is a stripped-down version of `KSPSolveTranspose()`, which only handles `-ksp_view`, `-ksp_converged_reason`, `-ksp_converged_rate`, and `-ksp_view_final_residual`. ## See Also [](ch_ksp), `KSPSolveTranspose()`, `MatMatTransposeSolve()`, `KSPMatSolve()`, `MATDENSE`, `KSPHPDDM`, `PCBJACOBI`, `PCASM` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex79.c
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