:orphan: # ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply Provides the local numbering for a list of integers specified with a global numbering. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscis.h" PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping, ISGlobalToLocalMappingMode type, PetscInt n, const PetscInt idx[], PetscInt *nout, PetscInt idxout[]) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***mapping -*** mapping between local and global numbering - ***type -*** `IS_GTOLM_MASK` - maps global indices with no local value to -1 in the output list (i.e., mask them) `IS_GTOLM_DROP` - drops the indices with no local value from the output list - ***n -*** number of global indices to map - ***idx -*** global indices to map ## Output Parameters - ***nout -*** number of indices in output array (if type == `IS_GTOLM_MASK` then nout = n) - ***idxout -*** local index of each global index, one must pass in an array long enough to hold all the indices. You can call `ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()` with idxout == NULL to determine the required length (returned in nout) and then allocate the required space and call `ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()` a second time to set the values. ## Notes Either `nout` or `idxout` may be `NULL`. `idx` and `idxout` may be identical. For "small" problems when using `ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()` and `ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock()`, the `ISLocalToGlobalMappingType` of `ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC` will be used; this uses more memory but is faster; this approach is not scalable for extremely large mappings. For large problems `ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH` is used, this is scalable. Use `ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType()` or call `ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions()` with the option -islocaltoglobalmapping_type to control which is used. ## Developer Note The manual page states that `idx` and `idxout` may be identical but the calling sequence declares `idx` as const so it cannot be the same as `idxout`. ## See Also [](sec_scatter), `ISLocalToGlobalMapping`, `ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply()`, `ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock()`, `ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()`, `ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c ## Examples src/vec/is/is/tutorials/ex4.c
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