:orphan: # PetscDrawTensorContourPatch draws a rectangular patch of a contour plot for a two-dimensional array. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdraw.h" PetscErrorCode PetscDrawTensorContourPatch(PetscDraw draw, int m, int n, PetscReal *x, PetscReal *y, PetscReal min, PetscReal max, PetscReal *v) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***draw -*** the draw context - ***m,n -*** the number of local mesh points in the x and y direction - ***x -*** the horizontal locations of the local mesh points - ***y -*** the vertical locations of the local mesh points - ***min -*** the minimum value in the entire contour - ***max -*** the maximum value in the entire contour - ***v -*** the data ## Options Database Key - ***-draw_x_shared_colormap -*** Activates private colormap ## Note This is a lower level support routine, usually the user will call `PetscDrawTensorContour()`. ## See Also `PetscDraw`, `PetscDrawTensorContour()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/sys/classes/draw/interface/dtri.c --- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/sys/classes/draw/interface/dtri.c) [Index of all Draw routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)