:orphan: # PetscQuadraturePushForward Push forward a quadrature functional under an affine transformation. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdt.h" PetscErrorCode PetscQuadraturePushForward(PetscQuadrature q, PetscInt imageDim, const PetscReal origin[], const PetscReal originImage[], const PetscReal J[], PetscInt formDegree, PetscQuadrature *Jinvstarq) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***q -*** the quadrature functional - ***imageDim -*** the dimension of the image of the transformation - ***origin -*** a point in the original space - ***originImage -*** the image of the origin under the transformation - ***J -*** the Jacobian of the image: an [imageDim x dim] matrix in row major order - ***formDegree -*** transform the quadrature weights as k-forms of this form degree (if the number of components is a multiple of (dim choose formDegree), it is assumed that they represent multiple k-forms) [see `PetscDTAltVPullback()` for interpretation of formDegree] ## Output Parameter - ***Jinvstarq -*** a quadrature rule where each point is the image of a point in the original quadrature rule, and where the k-form weights have been pulled-back by the pseudoinverse of `J` to the k-form weights in the image space. ## Note The new quadrature rule will have a different number of components if spaces have different dimensions. For example, pushing a 2-form forward from a two dimensional space to a three dimensional space changes the number of components from 1 to 3. ## See Also `PetscQuadrature`, `PetscDTAltVPullback()`, `PetscDTAltVPullbackMatrix()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/dt/interface/dt.c --- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/dm/dt/interface/dt.c) [Index of all DT routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)