:orphan: # PetscGaussLobattoLegendreElementAdvectionCreate computes the advection operator for a single 1d GLL element ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdt.h" PetscErrorCode PetscGaussLobattoLegendreElementAdvectionCreate(PetscInt n, PetscReal *nodes, PetscReal *weights, PetscReal ***AA) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***n -*** the number of GLL nodes - ***nodes -*** the GLL nodes - ***weights -*** the GLL weightss ## Output Parameter - ***AA -*** the stiffness element ## Notes Destroy this with `PetscGaussLobattoLegendreElementAdvectionDestroy()` This is the same as the Gradient operator multiplied by the diagonal mass matrix You can access entries in this array with AA[i][j] but in memory it is stored in contiguous memory, row oriented ## See Also `PetscDTGaussLobattoLegendreQuadrature()`, `PetscGaussLobattoLegendreElementLaplacianCreate()`, `PetscGaussLobattoLegendreElementAdvectionDestroy()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/dm/dt/interface/dt.c ## Examples src/tao/unconstrained/tutorials/burgers_spectral.c
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