:orphan: # PetscDSGetBoundary Gets a boundary condition to the model ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscds.h" PetscErrorCode PetscDSGetBoundary(PetscDS ds, PetscInt bd, PetscWeakForm *wf, DMBoundaryConditionType *type, const char *name[], DMLabel *label, PetscInt *Nv, const PetscInt *values[], PetscInt *field, PetscInt *Nc, const PetscInt *comps[], void (**func)(void), void (**func_t)(void), void **ctx) ``` ## Input Parameters - ***ds -*** The `PetscDS` object - ***bd -*** The BC number ## Output Parameters - ***wf -*** The `PetscWeakForm` holding the pointwise functions - ***type -*** The type of condition, e.g. `DM_BC_ESSENTIAL`/`DM_BC_ESSENTIAL_FIELD` (Dirichlet), or `DM_BC_NATURAL` (Neumann) - ***name -*** The BC name - ***label -*** The label defining constrained points - ***Nv -*** The number of `DMLabel` ids for constrained points - ***values -*** An array of ids for constrained points - ***field -*** The field to constrain - ***Nc -*** The number of constrained field components - ***comps -*** An array of constrained component numbers - ***bcFunc -*** A pointwise function giving boundary values - ***bcFunc_t -*** A pointwise function giving the time derivative of the boundary values - ***ctx -*** An optional user context for bcFunc ## Options Database Keys - ***-bc_ -*** Overrides the boundary ids - ***-bc__comp -*** Overrides the boundary components ## See Also `PetscDS`, `PetscWeakForm`, `DMBoundaryConditionType`, `PetscDSAddBoundary()`, `DMLabel` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/dt/interface/dtds.c ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex12.c
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