:orphan: # DMStagStencilLocation enumerated type denoting a location relative to an element in a `DMSTAG` grid ## Synopsis ``` typedef enum { DMSTAG_NULL_LOCATION = 0, DMSTAG_BACK_DOWN_LEFT, DMSTAG_BACK_DOWN, DMSTAG_BACK_DOWN_RIGHT, DMSTAG_BACK_LEFT, DMSTAG_BACK, DMSTAG_BACK_RIGHT, DMSTAG_BACK_UP_LEFT, DMSTAG_BACK_UP, DMSTAG_BACK_UP_RIGHT, DMSTAG_DOWN_LEFT, DMSTAG_DOWN, DMSTAG_DOWN_RIGHT, DMSTAG_LEFT, DMSTAG_ELEMENT, DMSTAG_RIGHT, DMSTAG_UP_LEFT, DMSTAG_UP, DMSTAG_UP_RIGHT, DMSTAG_FRONT_DOWN_LEFT, DMSTAG_FRONT_DOWN, DMSTAG_FRONT_DOWN_RIGHT, DMSTAG_FRONT_LEFT, DMSTAG_FRONT, DMSTAG_FRONT_RIGHT, DMSTAG_FRONT_UP_LEFT, DMSTAG_FRONT_UP, DMSTAG_FRONT_UP_RIGHT } DMStagStencilLocation; ``` The interpretation of these values is dimension-dependent. ## Developer Note The order of the enum entries is significant, as it corresponds to the canonical numbering of DOFs, and the fact that the numbering starts at 0 may also be used by the implementation. ## See Also [](ch_stag), `DMSTAG`, `DMStagStencil`, `DMStagGetLocationSlot()`, `DMStagStencilType` ## Level beginner ## Location include/petscdmstag.h ## Examples src/dm/impls/stag/tutorials/ex1.c
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