:orphan: # DMPatchZoom Create patches of a `DMDA` on subsets of processes, indicated by `commz` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmpatch.h" PetscErrorCode DMPatchZoom(DM dm, MatStencil lower, MatStencil upper, MPI_Comm commz, DM *dmz, PetscSF *sfz, PetscSF *sfzr) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***dm -*** the `DM` - ***lower -*** the lower left corner of the requested patch - ***upper -*** the upper right corner of the requested patch - ***commz -*** the new communicator for the patch, `MPI_COMM_NULL` indicates that the given rank will not own a patch ## Output Parameters - ***dmz -*** the patch `DM` - ***sfz -*** the `PetscSF` mapping the patch+halo to the zoomed version (optional) - ***sfzr -*** the `PetscSF` mapping the patch to the restricted zoomed version ## See Also `DMPatchSolve()`, `DMDACreatePatchIS()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/impls/patch/patch.c ## Examples src/dm/tutorials/ex25.c
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