:orphan: # DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView Gets a Kokkos OffsetView that contains up-to-date data of a vector in the given memory space. ## Synopsis ``` template PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM, Vec, Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView *) ``` ## Synopsis ``` #include PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetView(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(DM da,Vec v,Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView* kv); ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***da -*** the distributed array - ***v -*** the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with `DMCreateGlobalVector()` or `DMCreateLocalVector()` ## Output Parameter - ***kv -*** the Kokkos OffsetView with a user-specified template parameter MemorySpace ## Notes Call `DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetView()` or `DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetViewWrite()` once you have finished accessing the OffsetView. If the vector is not of type `VECKOKKOS`, an error will be raised. If the vector is a local vector (obtained with `DMCreateLocalVector()` etc) then the ghost point locations are accessible. If it is a global vector then the ghost points are not accessible. Of course with the local vector you will have to do the appropriate `DMGlobalToLocalBegin()` and `DMGlobalToLocalEnd()` to have correct values in the ghost locations. These routines are similar to `DMDAVecGetArray()` and friends. One can read-only, write-only or read/write access the returned Kokkos OffsetView. Note that passing in a constant OffsetView enables read-only access. Currently, only two memory spaces are supported: Kokkos::HostSpace and Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space. If needed, a memory copy will be internally called to copy the latest vector data to the specified memory space. In C, to access the returned array of `DMDAVecGetArray()`, the indexing is "backwards", i.e., array[k][j][i] (instead of array[i][j][k]), where i, j, k are loop variables for the x, y, z dimensions respectively specified in `DMDACreate3d()`, for example. To give users the same experience as `DMDAVecGetArray()`, we mandate the returned OffsetView always has Kokkos::LayoutRight (that is, rightest subscript has a stride 1, as in C multi-dimensional arrays), regardless of whether the memory space is host or device. Thus it is important to use Iterate::Right as IterateInner if one uses Kokkos::MDRangePolicy to access the OffsetView. Note that the OffsetView kv's first dimension (i.e., the leftest, dim 0) corresponds to the DMDA's z direction, and its last dimension (rightest) corresponds to DMDA's x direction. If the vector is a global vector, we have ```none kv.extent(0) = zm*dof, kv.begin(0) = zs*dof, kv.end(0) = (zs+zm)*dof kv.extent(1) = ym*dof, kv.begin(1) = ys*dof, kv.end(1) = (ys+ym)*dof kv.extent(2) = xm*dof, kv.begin(2) = xs*dof, kv.end(2) = (xs+xm)*dof ``` If the vector is a local vector, we have ```none kv.extent(0) = gzm*dof, kv.begin(0) = gzs*dof, kv.end(0) = (gzs+gzm)*dof kv.extent(1) = gym*dof, kv.begin(1) = gys*dof, kv.end(1) = (gys+gym)*dof kv.extent(2) = gxm*dof, kv.begin(2) = gxs*dof, kv.end(2) = (gxs+gxm)*dof ``` The starts and widths above are obtained by ```none DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm); DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm); ``` For example, to initialize a grid, ```none typedef Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView PetscScalarKokkosOffsetView3D; PetscScalarKokkosOffsetView3D kv; DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(da,v,&kv); // v is a global vector and we assume dof is 1 DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm); parallel_for ("Label",MDRangePolicy >( {zs,ys,xs},{zs+zm,ys+ym,xs+xm}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (PetscInt k,PetscInt j,PetscInt i) { kv(k,j,i) = ...; }); DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetViewWrite(da,v,&kv); ``` For a multi-component problem, one could cast the returned OffsetView to a user's type. But one has also to shrink the OffsetView's extent accordingly. For example, ```none typedef struct { PetscScalar omega,temperature; } Node; using NodeKokkosOffsetView3D = Kokkos::Experimental::OffsetView; DMDAVecGetKokkosOffsetViewWrite(da,v,&tv); NodeKokkosOffsetView3D kv(reinterpret_cast(tv.data()),{tv.begin(0)/dof,tv.begin(1)/dof,tv.begin(2)/dof}, {tv.end(0)/dof,tv.end(1)/dof,tv.end(2)/dof}); parallel_for ("Label",MDRangePolicy>( {zs,ys,xs},{zs+zm,ys+ym,xs+xm}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (PetscInt k,PetscInt j,PetscInt i) { kv(k,j,i).omega = ...; }); DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetViewWrite(da,v,&tv)`; ``` ## See Also `DMDAVecRestoreKokkosOffsetView()`, `DMDAGetGhostCorners()`, `DMDAGetCorners()`, `VecGetArray()`, `VecRestoreArray()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArray()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()` `DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()`, `DMDAVecGetArrayWrite()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayWrite()`, `DMDAVecGetArrayRead()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead()`, `DMStagVecGetArray()` ## Level intermediate ## Location include/petscdmda_kokkos.hpp ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex3k.kokkos.cxx
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