:orphan: # DMDAVecGetArrayWrite Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmda.h" PetscErrorCode DMDAVecGetArrayWrite(DM da, Vec vec, void *array) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***da -*** the distributed array - ***vec -*** a vector the same size as one obtained with `DMCreateGlobalVector()` or `DMCreateLocalVector()` ## Output Parameter - ***array -*** the array ## Notes Call `DMDAVecRestoreArray()` once you have finished accessing the vector entries. In C, the indexing is "backwards" from what expects: array[k][j][i] NOT array[i][j][k]! if `vec` is a local vector (obtained with `DMCreateLocalVector()` etc) then the ghost point locations are accessible. If it is a global vector then the ghost points are not accessible. Of course with the local vector you will have had to do the appropriate `DMGlobalToLocalBegin()` and `DMGlobalToLocalEnd()` to have correct values in the ghost locations. The accessible indices are `array[zs:zs+zm-1][ys:ys+ym-1][xs:xs+xm-1]` where the values are obtained from `DMDAGetCorners()` for a global vector or `DMDAGetGhostCorners()` for a local vector. ## Fortran Notes From Fortran use `DMDAVecGetArrayWriteF90()` and pass for the array type PetscScalar,pointer :: array(:,...,:) of the appropriate dimension. For a `DMDA` created with a dof of 1 use the dimension of the `DMDA`, for a `DMDA` created with a dof greater than 1 use one more than the dimension of the `DMDA`. The order of the indices is `array(xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1)` (when dof is 1) otherwise `array(0:dof-1,xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1)` where the values are obtained from `DMDAGetCorners()` for a global vector or `DMDAGetGhostCorners()` for a local vector. ## Developer Note This has code duplication with `DMDAVecGetArray()` and `DMDAVecGetArrayRead()` ## See Also `DM`, `DMDA`, `DMDAGetGhostCorners()`, `DMDAGetCorners()`, `VecGetArray()`, `VecRestoreArray()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayWrite()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()` `DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()`, `DMDAVecGetArray()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArray()`, `DMDAVecGetArrayRead()`, `DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/impls/da/dagetarray.c ## Examples src/dm/tutorials/ex2.c
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