:orphan: # DMDAGetOwnershipRanges Gets the ranges of indices in the x, y and z direction that are owned by each process ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmda.h" PetscErrorCode DMDAGetOwnershipRanges(DM da, const PetscInt *lx[], const PetscInt *ly[], const PetscInt *lz[]) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameter - ***da -*** the `DMDA` object ## Output Parameters - ***lx -*** ownership along x direction (optional) - ***ly -*** ownership along y direction (optional) - ***lz -*** ownership along z direction (optional) ## Note These correspond to the optional final arguments passed to `DMDACreate()`, `DMDACreate2d()`, `DMDACreate3d()` In C you should not free these arrays, nor change the values in them. They will only have valid values while the `DMDA` they came from still exists (has not been destroyed). These numbers are NOT multiplied by the number of dof per node. ## Fortran Note In Fortran one must pass in arrays `lx`, `ly`, and `lz` that are long enough to hold the values; the sixth, seventh and eighth arguments from `DMDAGetInfo()` ## See Also `DM`, `DMDA`, `DMDAGetCorners()`, `DMDAGetGhostCorners()`, `DMDACreate()`, `DMDACreate1d()`, `DMDACreate2d()`, `DMDACreate3d()`, `VecGetOwnershipRanges()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/impls/da/da.c ## Examples src/dm/tutorials/ex22.c
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