:orphan: # DMDACreate1d Creates an object that will manage the communication of one-dimensional regular array data that is distributed across some processors. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmda.h" PetscErrorCode DMDACreate1d(MPI_Comm comm, DMBoundaryType bx, PetscInt M, PetscInt dof, PetscInt s, const PetscInt lx[], DM *da) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***comm -*** MPI communicator - ***bx -*** type of ghost cells at the boundary the array should have, if any. Use `DM_BOUNDARY_NONE`, `DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED`, or `DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC`. - ***M -*** global dimension of the array (that is the number of grid points) from the command line with -da_grid_x ) - ***dof -*** number of degrees of freedom per node - ***s -*** stencil width - ***lx -*** array containing number of nodes in the X direction on each processor, or NULL. If non-null, must be of length as the number of processes in the MPI_Comm. The sum of these entries must equal M ## Output Parameter - ***da -*** the resulting distributed array object ## Options Database Keys - ***-dm_view -*** Calls `DMView()` at the conclusion of `DMDACreate1d()` - ***-da_grid_x -*** number of grid points in x direction - ***-da_refine_x -*** refinement factor - ***-da_refine -*** refine the `DMDA` n times before creating it ## Notes The array data itself is NOT stored in the `DMDA`, it is stored in `Vec` objects; The appropriate vector objects can be obtained with calls to `DMCreateGlobalVector()` and `DMCreateLocalVector()` and calls to `VecDuplicate()` if more are needed. You must call `DMSetUp()` after this call before using this `DM`. If you wish to use the options database to change values in the `DMDA` call `DMSetFromOptions()` after this call but before `DMSetUp()`. ## See Also `DMDA`, `DM`, `DMDestroy()`, `DMView()`, `DMDACreate2d()`, `DMDACreate3d()`, `DMGlobalToLocalBegin()`, `DMDASetRefinementFactor()`, `DMGlobalToLocalEnd()`, `DMLocalToGlobalBegin()`, `DMLocalToLocalBegin()`, `DMLocalToLocalEnd()`, `DMDAGetRefinementFactor()`, `DMDAGetInfo()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMCreateLocalVector()`, `DMDACreateNaturalVector()`, `DMLoad()`, `DMDAGetOwnershipRanges()`, `DMStagCreate1d()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/dm/impls/da/da1.c ## Examples src/dm/field/tutorials/ex1.c
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