:orphan: # DMSetFromOptions sets parameters in a `DM` from the options database ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscds.h" PetscErrorCode DMSetFromOptions(DM dm) ``` Collective ## Input Parameter - ***dm -*** the `DM` object to set options for ## Options Database Keys - ***-dm_preallocate_only -*** Only preallocate the matrix for `DMCreateMatrix()` and `DMCreateMassMatrix()`, but do not fill it with zeros - ***-dm_vec_type -*** type of vector to create inside `DM` - ***-dm_mat_type -*** type of matrix to create inside `DM` - ***-dm_is_coloring_type -*** - ***-dm_bind_below -*** bind (force execution on CPU) for `Vec` and `Mat` objects with local size (number of vector entries or matrix rows) below n; currently only supported for `DMDA` - ***-dm_plex_filename -*** File containing a mesh - ***-dm_plex_boundary_filename -*** File containing a mesh boundary - ***-dm_plex_name -*** Name of the mesh in the file - ***-dm_plex_shape -*** The domain shape, such as `BOX`, `SPHERE`, etc. - ***-dm_plex_cell -*** Cell shape - ***-dm_plex_reference_cell_domain -*** Use a reference cell domain - ***-dm_plex_dim -*** Set the topological dimension - ***-dm_plex_simplex -*** `PETSC_TRUE` for simplex elements, `PETSC_FALSE` for tensor elements - ***-dm_plex_interpolate -*** `PETSC_TRUE` turns on topological interpolation (creating edges and faces) - ***-dm_plex_scale -*** Scale factor for mesh coordinates - ***-dm_plex_box_faces -*** Number of faces along each dimension - ***-dm_plex_box_lower -*** Specify lower-left-bottom coordinates for the box - ***-dm_plex_box_upper -*** Specify upper-right-top coordinates for the box - ***-dm_plex_box_bd -*** Specify the `DMBoundaryType` for each direction - ***-dm_plex_sphere_radius -*** The sphere radius - ***-dm_plex_ball_radius -*** Radius of the ball - ***-dm_plex_cylinder_bd -*** Boundary type in the z direction - ***-dm_plex_cylinder_num_wedges -*** Number of wedges around the cylinder - ***-dm_plex_reorder -*** Reorder the mesh using the specified algorithm - ***-dm_refine_pre -*** The number of refinements before distribution - ***-dm_refine_uniform_pre -*** Flag for uniform refinement before distribution - ***-dm_refine_volume_limit_pre -*** The maximum cell volume after refinement before distribution - ***-dm_refine -*** The number of refinements after distribution - ***-dm_extrude -*** Activate extrusion and specify the number of layers to extrude - ***-dm_plex_transform_extrude_thickness -*** The total thickness of extruded layers - ***-dm_plex_transform_extrude_use_tensor -*** Use tensor cells when extruding - ***-dm_plex_transform_extrude_symmetric -*** Extrude layers symmetrically about the surface - ***-dm_plex_transform_extrude_normal -*** Specify the extrusion direction - ***-dm_plex_transform_extrude_thicknesses -*** Specify thickness of each layer - ***-dm_plex_create_fv_ghost_cells -*** Flag to create finite volume ghost cells on the boundary - ***-dm_plex_fv_ghost_cells_label -*** Label name for ghost cells boundary - ***-dm_distribute -*** Flag to redistribute a mesh among processes - ***-dm_distribute_overlap -*** The size of the overlap halo - ***-dm_plex_adj_cone -*** Set adjacency direction - ***-dm_plex_adj_closure -*** Set adjacency size - ***-dm_plex_check_symmetry -*** Check that the adjacency information in the mesh is symmetric - `DMPlexCheckSymmetry()` - ***-dm_plex_check_skeleton -*** Check that each cell has the correct number of vertices (only for homogeneous simplex or tensor meshes) - `DMPlexCheckSkeleton()` - ***-dm_plex_check_faces -*** Check that the faces of each cell give a vertex order this is consistent with what we expect from the cell type - `DMPlexCheckFaces()` - ***-dm_plex_check_geometry -*** Check that cells have positive volume - `DMPlexCheckGeometry()` - ***-dm_plex_check_pointsf -*** Check some necessary conditions for `PointSF` - `DMPlexCheckPointSF()` - ***-dm_plex_check_interface_cones -*** Check points on inter-partition interfaces have conforming order of cone points - `DMPlexCheckInterfaceCones()` - ***-dm_plex_check_all -*** Perform all the checks above ## See Also [](ch_dmbase), `DM`, `DMView()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMCreateInterpolation()`, `DMCreateColoring()`, `DMCreateMatrix()`, `DMPlexCheckSymmetry()`, `DMPlexCheckSkeleton()`, `DMPlexCheckFaces()`, `DMPlexCheckGeometry()`, `DMPlexCheckPointSF()`, `DMPlexCheckInterfaceCones()`, `DMSetOptionsPrefix()`, `DM`, `DMType`, `DMPLEX`, `DMDA` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/interface/dm.c ## Examples src/dm/field/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations DMSetFromOptions_DA in src/dm/impls/da/dacreate.c
DMSetFromOptions_Forest in src/dm/impls/forest/forest.c
DMSetFromOptions_pforest in src/dm/impls/forest/p4est/pforest.h
DMSetFromOptions_Moab in src/dm/impls/moab/dmmoab.cxx
DMSetFromOptions_Network in src/dm/impls/network/networkcreate.c
DMSetFromOptions_Patch in src/dm/impls/patch/patchcreate.c
DMSetFromOptions_Plex in src/dm/impls/plex/plexcreate.c
DMSetFromOptions_Stag in src/dm/impls/stag/stag.c
--- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/dm/interface/dm.c) [Index of all DM routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)