:orphan: # DMPolytopeType This describes the polytope represented by each cell. ## Synopsis ``` typedef enum { DM_POLYTOPE_POINT, DM_POLYTOPE_SEGMENT, DM_POLYTOPE_POINT_PRISM_TENSOR, DM_POLYTOPE_TRIANGLE, DM_POLYTOPE_QUADRILATERAL, DM_POLYTOPE_SEG_PRISM_TENSOR, DM_POLYTOPE_TETRAHEDRON, DM_POLYTOPE_HEXAHEDRON, DM_POLYTOPE_TRI_PRISM, DM_POLYTOPE_TRI_PRISM_TENSOR, DM_POLYTOPE_QUAD_PRISM_TENSOR, DM_POLYTOPE_PYRAMID, DM_POLYTOPE_FV_GHOST, DM_POLYTOPE_INTERIOR_GHOST, DM_POLYTOPE_UNKNOWN, DM_NUM_POLYTOPES } DMPolytopeType; ``` While most operations only need the topology information in the `DMPLEX`, we must sometimes have the user specify a polytope. For instance, when interpolating from a cell-vertex mesh, the type of polytope can be ambiguous. Also, `DMPLEX` allows different symmetries of a prism cell with the same constituent points. Normally these types are automatically inferred and the user does not specify them. ## See Also `DM`, `DMPlexComputeCellTypes()` ## Level beginner ## Location include/petscdmtypes.h ## Examples src/dm/impls/plex/tutorials/ex11.c
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