:orphan: # DMPolytopeGetOrientation Determine an orientation (transformation) that takes the source face arrangement to the target face arrangement ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscds.h" PetscErrorCode DMPolytopeGetOrientation(DMPolytopeType ct, const PetscInt sourceCone[], const PetscInt targetCone[], PetscInt *ornt) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***ct -*** The `DMPolytopeType` - ***sourceCone -*** The source arrangement of faces - ***targetCone -*** The target arrangement of faces ## Output Parameter - ***ornt -*** The orientation (transformation) which will take the source arrangement to the target arrangement ## Note This function is the same as `DMPolytopeMatchOrientation()` except it will generate an error if no suitable orientation can be found. ## Developer Note It is unclear why this function needs to exist since one can simply call `DMPolytopeMatchOrientation()` and error if none is found ## See Also [](ch_dmbase), `DM`, `DMPolytopeType`, `DMPolytopeMatchOrientation()`, `DMPolytopeGetVertexOrientation()`, `DMPolytopeMatchVertexOrientation()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/dm/interface/dm.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/plex/tutorials/ex11.c
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