:orphan: # DMLocatePoints Locate the points in v in the mesh and return a `PetscSF` of the containing cells ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" PetscErrorCode DMLocatePoints(DM dm, Vec v, DMPointLocationType ltype, PetscSF *cellSF) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***dm -*** The `DM` - ***ltype -*** The type of point location, e.g. `DM_POINTLOCATION_NONE` or `DM_POINTLOCATION_NEAREST` ## Input/Output Parameters - ***v -*** The `Vec` of points, on output contains the nearest mesh points to the given points if `DM_POINTLOCATION_NEAREST` is used - ***cellSF -*** Points to either `NULL`, or a `PetscSF` with guesses for which cells contain each point; on output, the `PetscSF` containing the ranks and local indices of the containing points ## Notes To do a search of the local cells of the mesh, v should have `PETSC_COMM_SELF` as its communicator. To do a search of all the cells in the distributed mesh, `v` should have the same communicator as `dm`. Points will only be located in owned cells, not overlap cells arising from `DMPlexDistribute()` or other overlapping distributions. If *cellSF is `NULL` on input, a `PetscSF` will be created. If *cellSF is not `NULL` on input, it should point to an existing `PetscSF`, whose graph will be used as initial guesses. An array that maps each point to its containing cell can be obtained with ```none const PetscSFNode *cells; PetscInt nFound; const PetscInt *found; PetscSFGetGraph(cellSF,NULL,&nFound,&found,&cells); ``` Where cells[i].rank is the rank of the process owning the cell containing point found[i] (or i if found == NULL), and cells[i].index is the index of the cell in its rank's local numbering. This rank is in the communicator for `v`, so if `v` is on `PETSC_COMM_SELF` then the rank will always be 0. ## See Also `DM`, `DMSetCoordinates()`, `DMSetCoordinatesLocal()`, `DMGetCoordinates()`, `DMGetCoordinatesLocal()`, `DMPointLocationType` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/interface/dmcoordinates.c ## Implementations DMLocatePoints_Plex in src/dm/impls/plex/plexgeometry.c
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