:orphan: # DMLocalizeCoordinate If a mesh is periodic (a torus with lengths L_i, some of which can be infinite), project the coordinate onto [0, L_i) in each dimension. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" PetscErrorCode DMLocalizeCoordinate(DM dm, const PetscScalar in[], PetscBool endpoint, PetscScalar out[]) ``` ## Input Parameters - ***dm -*** The `DM` - ***in -*** The input coordinate point (dim numbers) - ***endpoint -*** Include the endpoint L_i ## Output Parameter - ***out -*** The localized coordinate point ## See Also `DM`, `DMLocalizeCoordinates()`, `DMLocalizeAddCoordinate()` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/interface/dmperiodicity.c ## Examples src/ts/tutorials/ex18.c
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