:orphan: # DMLocalToGlobal updates global vectors from local vectors ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscds.h" PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobal(DM dm, Vec l, InsertMode mode, Vec g) ``` Neighbor-wise Collective ## Input Parameters - ***dm -*** the `DM` object - ***l -*** the local vector - ***mode -*** if `INSERT_VALUES` then no parallel communication is used, if `ADD_VALUES` then all ghost points from the same base point accumulate into that base point. - ***g -*** the global vector ## Notes The communication involved in this update can be overlapped with computation by using `DMLocalToGlobalBegin()` and `DMLocalToGlobalEnd()`. In the `ADD_VALUES` case you normally would zero the receiving vector before beginning this operation. `INSERT_VALUES` is not supported for `DMDA`; in that case simply compute the values directly into a global vector instead of a local one. Use `DMLocalToGlobalHookAdd()` to add additional operations that are performed on the data during the update process ## See Also [](ch_dmbase), `DM`, `DMLocalToGlobalBegin()`, `DMLocalToGlobalEnd()`, `DMCoarsen()`, `DMDestroy()`, `DMView()`, `DMCreateGlobalVector()`, `DMCreateInterpolation()`, `DMGlobalToLocal()`, `DMGlobalToLocalEnd()`, `DMGlobalToLocalBegin()`, `DMLocalToGlobalHookAdd()`, `DMGlobaToLocallHookAdd()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/dm/interface/dm.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/stag/tutorials/ex1.c
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