:orphan: # DMGetPeriodicity Get the description of mesh periodicity ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" PetscErrorCode DMGetPeriodicity(DM dm, const PetscReal **maxCell, const PetscReal **Lstart, const PetscReal **L) ``` ## Input Parameter - ***dm -*** The `DM` object ## Output Parameters - ***maxCell -*** Over distances greater than this, we can assume a point has crossed over to another sheet, when trying to localize cell coordinates - ***Lstart -*** If we assume the mesh is a torus, this is the start of each coordinate, or `NULL` for 0.0 - ***L -*** If we assume the mesh is a torus, this is the length of each coordinate, otherwise it is < 0.0 ## See Also `DM`, `DMGetPeriodicity()` ## Level developer ## Location src/dm/interface/dmperiodicity.c ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex12.c
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