:orphan: # DMFieldGetDegree Get the polynomial degree of a field when pulled back onto the reference element ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdmfield.h" #include "petscdmfield.h" PetscErrorCode DMFieldGetDegree(DMField field, IS cellIS, PetscInt *minDegree, PetscInt *maxDegree) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameters - ***field -*** the `DMField` object - ***cellIS -*** the index set of points over which we want know the invariance ## Output Parameters - ***minDegree -*** the degree of the largest polynomial space contained in the field on each element - ***maxDegree -*** the largest degree of the smallest polynomial space containing the field on any element ## See Also `DMField`, `IS`, `DMFieldEvaluateFE()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/field/interface/dmfield.c ## Implementations DMFieldGetDegree_DA in src/dm/field/impls/da/dmfieldda.c
DMFieldGetDegree_DS in src/dm/field/impls/ds/dmfieldds.c
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