:orphan: # DMCopyLabelsMode Determines how `DMCopyLabels()` behaves when there is a `DMLabel` in the source and destination DMs with the same name ## Synopsis ``` typedef enum { DM_COPY_LABELS_REPLACE, DM_COPY_LABELS_KEEP, DM_COPY_LABELS_FAIL } DMCopyLabelsMode; ``` ## Values - ***`DM_COPY_LABELS_REPLACE` -*** replace label in destination by label from source - ***`DM_COPY_LABELS_KEEP` -*** keep destination label - ***`DM_COPY_LABELS_FAIL` -*** throw error ## See Also `DMLabel`, `DM`, `DMCompareLabels()`, `DMRemoveLabel()` ## Level advanced ## Location include/petscdm.h ## Examples src/dm/label/tutorials/ex1.c
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