:orphan: # DMCopyLabels Copy labels from one `DM` mesh to another `DM` with a superset of the points ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscdm.h" #include "petscdmlabel.h" #include "petscds.h" PetscErrorCode DMCopyLabels(DM dmA, DM dmB, PetscCopyMode mode, PetscBool all, DMCopyLabelsMode emode) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***dmA -*** The `DM` object with initial labels - ***dmB -*** The `DM` object to which labels are copied - ***mode -*** Copy labels by pointers (`PETSC_OWN_POINTER`) or duplicate them (`PETSC_COPY_VALUES`) - ***all -*** Copy all labels including "depth", "dim", and "celltype" (`PETSC_TRUE`) which are otherwise ignored (`PETSC_FALSE`) - ***emode -*** How to behave when a `DMLabel` in the source and destination `DM`s with the same name is encountered (see `DMCopyLabelsMode`) ## Note This is typically used when interpolating or otherwise adding to a mesh, or testing. ## See Also [](ch_dmbase), `DM`, `DMLabel`, `DMAddLabel()`, `DMCopyLabelsMode` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/dm/interface/dm.c ## Examples src/dm/label/tutorials/ex1.c
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