============= Changes: 3.15 ============= .. rubric:: General: - Add ``PetscKokkosInitializeCheck()``, which initializes Kokkos if it is not yet initialized - Add support for ``-debug_terminal`` Terminal to use Apple's Terminal instead of xterm, allowing use of cut-paste - Make Terminal the default device to display the debugger on Apple instead of xterm - Add PetscHasExternalPackage() determining whether PETSc has been configured with the given external package such as "hdf5" .. rubric:: Configure/Build: - On macOS, ``MACOS_FIREWALL=1`` or ``MACOS_FIREWALL_REFRESH=1`` can be passed to make to automatically add firewall rules preventing firewall popups during testing. See ``make -f gmakefile.test help`` for details - ``./configure --with-macos-firewall-rules`` makes ``MACOS_FIREWALL=1`` the default - Change ``--download-petsc4py`` to ``--with-petsc4py`` to have PETSc build and use petsc4py - Add ``--download-mmg`` and ``--download-parmmg``, 3D unstructured mesh adaptation package (interaction with DMPlex not available yet) - Improve detection of Git repositories when a ``--download-package`` option is used - Support ``ssh://*.git`` and ``https://*.git`` URLs without the additional ``git://`` prefix - Local directories can be specified without the ``git://`` prefix as well - Any valid Git repository (including bare and with ``--separate-git-dir``) is now correctly detected - ``--download-yaml`` or ``--with-yaml`` are no longer required for YAML support (but can still be used to avoid compiling source included with PETSc) .. rubric:: Sys: - Add ``PETSCRANDOMCURAND`` to support CURAND random number generator - Add ``PetscRandomGetValues()`` and ``PetscRandomGetValuesReal()`` to retrieve an array of random numbers - Add ``PetscOptions`` argument to ``PetscOptionsInsertFileYAML()`` - Add ``PetscCalloc()`` to allocate zeroed memory - Automatically detect YAML and JSON option files by extension or particular first line - Update YAML options file processing to ignore keys starting with ``$``, Add some special processing - Add ``PetscBagViewFromOptions()`` - Add ``PetscLogEventDeactivatePush()``, ``PetscLogEventDeactivatePop()`` - Add new option to ``-log_view`` to view nested event timing information as a flame graph .. rubric:: PetscViewer: - ``PetscViewerAndFormat`` now allows a payload - Change ``PetscViewerFlowControlStepMaster()``, ``PetscViewerFlowControlEndMaster()`` to ``PetscViewerFlowControlStepMain()``, ``PetscViewerFlowControlEndMain()`` - HDF5: ``FILE_MODE_APPEND`` (= ``FILE_MODE_UPDATE``) now creates a new file if it does not exist yet - VU: ``PetscViewerVUSetMode()`` is now deprecated; please use standard ``PetscViewerFileSetMode()`` instead .. rubric:: PetscDraw: .. rubric:: AO: .. rubric:: IS: .. rubric:: VecScatter / PetscSF: - ``VecScatter`` is now the same type as ``PetscSF``, in other words, we have ``typedef PetscSF VecScatter`` - Remove ``VecScatter`` types ``VECSCATTER{SEQ,MPI1,MPI3,MPI3NODE,SF}``. One can use all ``PetcSF`` types as ``VecScatter`` types - Rename ``PetscLayoutsCreateSF()`` to ``PetscSFCreateFromLayouts()`` and move its declaration from ``petscis.h`` to ``petscsf.h`` - Deprecate ``MPIU_REPLACE``; Use ``MPI_REPLACE`` instead - Deprecate ``PetscSFBcastAndOp`` variants; Use ``PetscSFBcast`` instead - Deprecate ``PetscSFCreateEmbeddedSF``; Use ``PetscSFCreateEmbeddedRootSF`` instead - Add experimental NVIDIA NVSHMEM support; For details on how to use it, contact petsc-maint@mcs.anl.gov - Add ``PetscSFCreateByMatchingIndices()`` to create SF by matching root and leaf indices .. rubric:: PF: .. rubric:: Vec: - Change ``Vec{Get,Restore}Array{Read}Inplace`` to ``Vec{Get,Restore}Array{Read}AndMemType()`` and add an extra argument to also return the memory type of the array - Remove vector type ``VECNODE`` - Add ``VecConcatenate()`` function for vertically concatenating an array of vectors into a single vector. Also returns an array of index sets to access the original components within the concatenated final vector .. rubric:: PetscSection: .. rubric:: PetscPartitioner: .. rubric:: Mat: - Add ``MatSetPreallocationCOO`` and ``MatSetValuesCOO`` to preallocate and set values in a matrix using COO format. Currently efficiently implemented only for ``MATCUSPARSE`` - Add the option ``MAT_FORCE_DIAGONAL_ENTRIES`` for ``MatSetOption()``. It forces allocation of all diagonal entries - Remove ``MAT_NEW_DIAGONALS`` from ``MatOption`` - Add ``UNKNOW_NONZERO_PATTERN`` as new value for ``MatStructure``. It indicates that the relationship is unknown, when set the AIJ matrices check if the two matrices have identical patterns and if so use the faster code - Add ``MAT_FACTOR_QR``, ``MatQRFactor()``, ``MatQRFactorSymbolic()``, and ``MatQRFactorNumeric()`` for QR factorizations. Currently the only built-in implementation uses LAPACK on sequential dense matrices - Change option ``-mat_cusparse_transgen`` to ``-mat_form_explicit_transpose`` to hint PETSc to form an explicit transpose for repeated operations like MatMultTranspose. Currently implemented only for ``AIJCUSPARSE`` and ``AIJKOKKOS`` - Add a ``MatOption`` ``MAT_FORM_EXPLICIT_TRANSPOSE`` .. rubric:: PC: - Add ``PCGAMGSetRankReductionFactors()``, provide an array, ``-pc_gamg_rank_reduction_factors factors``, tp specify factor by which to reduce active processors on coarse grids in ``PCGAMG`` that overrides default heuristics - Change ``PCCompositeAddPC()`` to ``PCCompositeAddPCType()``, now ``PCCompositeAddPC()`` adds a specific ``PC`` object - Add a Compatible Relaxation (CR) viewer ``PCMG`` with ``-pc_mg_adapt_cr`` - Experimental: Add support for assembling AIJ (CUSPARSE and KOKKOS) matrix on the Cuda device with ``MatSetValuesDevice()``, ``MatCUSPARSEGetDeviceMatWrite()``, and Kokkos with ``MatKokkosGetDeviceMatWrite`` - Add ``PCMGSetResidualTranspose()`` to support transposed linear solve using ``PCMG`` and ``PCGAMG`` .. rubric:: KSP: - Add ``-all_ksp_monitor`` which turns on monitoring for all KSP solvers regardless of their prefix. This is useful for monitoring solvers with inner solvers such as ``PCMG``, ``PCGAMG``, ``PCFIELDSPLIT``. - Add support for monitor ``KSPPREONLY``. This is useful for monitoring solvers with inner solvers such as ``PCMG``, ``PCGAMG``, ``PCFIELDSPLIT``. - Add ``KSPConvergedReasonViewSet()`` to set an ADDITIONAL function that is to be used at the end of the linear solver to display the convergence reason of the linear solver - Add ``KSPConvergedReasonViewCancel()`` to remove all user-added converged reason view functions - Add ``KSPGetConvergedReasonString()`` to retrieve a human readable string for ksp converged reason - Change ``KSPReasonView()`` to ``KSPConvergenceReasonView()`` - Change ``KSPReasonViewFromOptions()`` to ``KSPConvergedReasonViewFromOptions()`` - Add ``KSPConvergedDefaultSetConvergedMaxits()`` to declare convergence when the maximum number of iterations is reached - Fix many ``KSP`` implementations to actually perform the number of iterations requested - Chebyshev uses ``MAT_SPD`` to default to CG for the eigen estimate - Add ``KSPPIPECG2``, a pipelined solver that reduces the number of allreduces to one per two iterations and overlaps it with two PCs and SPMVs using non-blocking allreduce - Add ``KSPConvergedRateView()`` and ``KSPComputeConvergenceRate()`` to check the convergence rate of a linear solve - Add ``KSPSetUseExplicitTranspose()`` to explicitly transpose the system in ``KSPSolveTranspose()`` - Add ``KSPMonitorLGCreate()``, and remove ``KSPMonitorLGResidualNorm*()`` and ``KSPMonitorLGTrueResidualNorm*()`` - Add ``KSPMonitorError()``, used by ``-ksp_monitor_error`` - Add arguments to ``KSPMonitorSetFromOptions()`` to allow line graphs to be configured - Deprecate ``KSP{Set|Get}MatSolveBlockSize()``, use ``KSP{Set|Get}MatSolveBatchSize()`` instead - Reduce default ``KSPView()`` ASCII output to a single subdomain's KSP/PC information for ``PCASM``, resp. ``PCBJacobi``. Use ``-ksp_view ::ascii_info_detail`` to output KSP/PC information for all subdomains .. rubric:: SNES: - Add ``SNESConvergedCorrectPressure()``, which can be selected using ``-snes_convergence_test correct_pressure`` - Remove ``SNESMonitorLGCreate()`` and ``SNESMonitorLGResidualNorm()`` which are now handled by the default monitor - Add ``SNESConvergedReasonViewSet()`` to set an ADDITIONAL function that is to be used at the end of the nonlinear solver to display the convergence reason of the nonlinear solver - Add ``SNESConvergedReasonViewCancel()`` to remove all user-added converged reason view functions - Add ``SNESGetConvergedReasonString()`` to retrieve a human readable string for snes converged reason - Add ``SNESFASFullSetTotal()`` to use total residual restriction and total solution interpolation in the initial cycle of full FAS multigrid - Deprecate ``-snes_nasm_sub_view``, use ``-snes_view ::ascii_info_detail`` instead .. rubric:: SNESLineSearch: .. rubric:: TS: - Change to ``--download-sundials2`` to indicate the version of SUNDIALS PETSc downloads, which is very old and out-dated - Add forward and adjoint sensitivity support for cases that involve parameterized mass matrices - Add ``TSGetNumEvents()`` to retrieve the number of events - Add ``-ts_monitor_cancel`` - Now ``-ts_view_solution`` respects the TS prefix - Add ``TSSetMatStructure()`` to indicate the relationship between the nonzero structures of the I Jacobian and the RHS Jacobian - Automatically set the ``MatStructure`` flag of TS to ``SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN`` if the RHS matrix is obtained with a ``MatDuplicate()`` from the I Jacobian .. rubric:: TAO: - Add ``TaoSetRecycleFlag()`` and ``TaoGetRecycleFlag()`` interfaces to enable some Tao algorithms to re-use iterate information from the previous ``TaoSolve()`` call - Add new Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier Method (``TAOALMM``) for solving optimization problems with general nonlinear constraints .. rubric:: DM/DA: - Remove unneeded ``Vec`` argument from ``DMPatchZoom()`` - Change ``DMDACreatePatchIS()`` to collective operation and add an extra argument to indicate whether off processor values will be returned - Add ``DMComputeError()``, which uses ``PetscDS`` information for the exact solution - Add ``DMShellGetGLobalVector()`` - Add ``DMInterpolateSolution()`` for interpolating solutions between meshes in a potentially nonlinear way - ``DMInterpolationSetUp()`` now can drop points outside the domain .. rubric:: DMSwarm: - ``DMSwarmViewXDMF()`` can now use a full path for the filename - Add ``DMSwarmSetPointCoordinatesRandom()`` - Add ``-dm_view_radius`` to set size of drawn particles .. rubric:: DMPlex: - Using ``-petscpartitioner_simple_node_grid`` and ``-petscpartitioner_simple_process_grid``, the Simple partitioner can now make grid partitions - Add ``DMGet/SetFieldAvoidTensor()`` to allow fields to exclude tensor cells in their definition - Remove regular refinement and marking from ``DMPlexCreateDoublet()`` - Add high order FEM interpolation to ``DMInterpolationEvaluate()`` .. rubric:: FE/FV: - Add ``PetscDualSpaceTransformHessian()``, ``PetscDualSpacePushforwardHessian()``, and ``PetscFEPushforwardHessian()`` - Now ``PetscFEGetCellTabulation()`` and ``PetscFEGetFaceTabulation()`` ask for the number of derivatives - Add ``PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGet/SetUseMoments()`` and ``PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGet/SetMomentOrder()`` to allow a moment integral for P0 .. rubric:: DMNetwork: - Add ``DMNetworkAddSubnetwork()`` for network of subnetworks - Add ``DMNetworkAdd/GetSharedVertices()``, ``DMNetworkIsSharedVertex()`` - Remove ``DMNetworkSetEdgeList()``, ``DMNetworkSet/GetComponentNumVariables()``, ``DMNetworkSet/Add/GetNumVariables()``, ``DMNetworkGetComponentKeyOffset()``, ``DMNetworkGetVariableOffset()``, ``DMNetworkGetVariableGlobalOffset()`` - Change the prototypes for ``DMNetworkAdd/GetComponent()`` - Rename ``DMNetworkSet/GetSizes()`` to ``DMNetworkSet/GetNumSubNetworks()`` - Rename ``DMNetworkGetComponentVariableOffset()`` to ``DMNetworkGetLocalVecOffset()``, ``DMNetworkGetComponentVariableGlobalOffset()`` to ``DMNetworkGetGlobalVecOffset()`` - Rename ``DMNetworkGetSubnetworkInfo()`` to ``DMNetworkGetSubnetwork()`` .. rubric:: DT: - ``PetscDSCopyBoundary()`` now takes a list of fields for which boundary copying is done - Add ``PetscDSGet/SetJetDegree()``, and ``-dm_ds_jet_degree`` is needed to enable it under a DM - Add ``PetscWeakForm`` class to manage function pointers for problem assembly .. rubric:: Fortran: - Add configure option ``--with-mpi-f90module-visibility`` [default=``1``]. With ``0``, ``mpi.mod`` will not be visible in use code (via ``petscsys.mod``) - so ``mpi_f08`` can now be used - Add ``PetscDLAddr()`` to get name for a symbol