
Creates the monitor context for TaoMonitorDrawSolution()


#include "petsctao.h" 
PetscErrorCode TaoMonitorDrawCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm, const char host[], const char label[], int x, int y, int m, int n, PetscInt howoften, TaoMonitorDrawCtx *ctx)


Input Parameters#

  • comm - the communicator to share the context

  • host - the name of the X Windows host that will display the monitor

  • label - the label to put at the top of the display window

  • x - the horizontal coordinate of the lower left corner of the window to open

  • y - the vertical coordinate of the lower left corner of the window to open

  • m - the width of the window

  • n - the height of the window

  • howoften - how many Tao iterations between displaying the monitor information

Output Parameter#

  • ctx - the monitor context

Options Database Key#

  • -tao_draw_solution_initial - show initial guess as well as current solution

See Also#

TAO: Optimization Solvers, Tao, TaoMonitorSet(), TaoMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TaoMonitorDrawCtx()





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