
sets the time span. The solution will be computed and stored for each time requested in the span


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSSetTimeSpan(TS ts, PetscInt n, PetscReal *span_times)


Input Parameters#

  • ts - the time-stepper

  • n - number of the time points (>=2)

  • span_times - array of the time points. The first element and the last element are the initial time and the final time respectively.

Options Database Key#

  • -ts_time_span <t0,…tf> - Sets the time span


The elements in tspan must be all increasing. They correspond to the intermediate points for time integration. TS_EXACTFINALTIME_MATCHSTEP must be used to make the last time step in each sub-interval match the intermediate points specified. The intermediate solutions are saved in a vector array that can be accessed with TSGetTimeSpanSolutions(). Thus using time span may pressure the memory system when using a large number of span points.

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TS, TSGetTimeSpan(), TSGetTimeSpanSolutions()





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