Semi-smooth solver for variational inequalities based on Newton’s method

Options Database Keys#

  • -snes_type <vinewtonssls,vinewtonrsls> a semi- smooth solver, a reduced space active set method

  • -snes_vi_monitor - prints the number of active constraints at each iteration.


  • **** -*** T. S. Munson, F. Facchinei, M. C. Ferris, A. Fischer, and C. Kanzow. The semismooth algorithm for large scale complementarity problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 13 (2001).

  • **** -*** T. S. Munson, and S. Benson. Flexible Complementarity Solvers for Large Scale Applications, Optimization Methods and Software, 21 (2006).


This family of algorithm is much like an interior point method.

The reduced space active set solvers SNESVINEWTONRSLS provide an alternative approach that does not result in extremely ill-conditioned linear systems

See Also#

SNESVINEWTONRSLS, SNESVISetVariableBounds(), SNESVISetComputeVariableBounds(), SNESCreate(), SNES, SNESSetType(), SNESVINEWTONRSLS, SNESNEWTONTR, SNESLineSearchSetType(), SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck(), SNESLineSearchSetPreCheck()





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