
Compose a new PetscSF by putting the inverse of the second PetscSF under the first one


#include "petscsf.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscSFComposeInverse(PetscSF sfA, PetscSF sfB, PetscSF *sfBA)

Input Parameters#

Output Parameter#


Currently, the two PetscSFs must be defined on congruent communicators and they must be true star forests, i.e. the same leaf is not connected with different roots. Even more, all roots of the second PetscSF must have a degree of 1, i.e., no roots have more than one leaf connected.

sfA’s leaf space and sfB’s leaf space might be partially overlapped. The composition builds a graph with sfA’s roots and sfB’s roots only when there is a path between them. Unconnected roots are not in sfBA. Doing a PetscSFBcastBegin()/PetscSFBcastEnd() on the new PetscSF is equivalent to doing a PetscSFBcastBegin()/PetscSFBcastEnd() on sfA, then a PetscSFReduceBegin()/PetscSFReduceEnd() on sfB, on connected roots.

See Also#

PetscSF, PetscSFCompose(), PetscSFGetGraph(), PetscSFSetGraph(), PetscSFCreateInverseSF()





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