
Set the callback used to compute facet integrals for patch matrices


#include "petscpc.h" 
#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode PCPatchSetComputeOperatorInteriorFacets(PC pc, PetscErrorCode (*func)(PC, PetscInt, Vec, Mat, IS, PetscInt, const PetscInt *, const PetscInt *, void *), void *ctx)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • pc - The PC

  • func - The callback

  • ctx - The user context

Calling sequence of func#

PetscErrorCode func(PC pc, PetscInt point, Vec x, Mat mat, IS facetIS, PetscInt n, const PetscInt* dofsArray, const PetscInt* dofsArrayWithAll, void* ctx)
  • pc - The PC

  • point - The point

  • x - The input solution (not used in linear problems)

  • mat - The patch matrix

  • facetIS - An array of the facet numbers

  • n - The size of dofsArray

  • dofsArray - The dofmap for the dofs to be solved for

  • dofsArrayWithAll - The dofmap for all dofs on the patch

  • ctx - The user context


The matrix entries have been set to zero before the call.

See Also#

PCPatchGetComputeOperator(), PCPatchSetComputeFunction(), PCPatchSetDiscretisationInfo()





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