Balancing Neumann-Neumann for scalar elliptic PDEs.

Options Database Keys#

  • -pc_nn_turn_off_first_balancing - do not balance the residual before solving the local Neumann problems (this skips the first coarse grid solve in the preconditioner)

  • -pc_nn_turn_off_second_balancing - do not balance the solution solving the local Neumann problems (this skips the second coarse grid solve in the preconditioner)

  • -pc_is_damp_fixed -

  • -pc_is_remove_nullspace_fixed -

  • -pc_is_set_damping_factor_floating -

  • -pc_is_not_damp_floating -

  • -pc_is_not_remove_nullspace_floating -

Options Database prefixes for the subsolvers this preconditioner uses#

  • -nn_coarse_pc_ - for the coarse grid preconditioner

  • -is_localD_pc_ - for the Dirichlet subproblem preconditioner

  • -is_localN_pc_ - for the Neumann subproblem preconditioner


The matrix used with this preconditioner must be of type MATIS

Unlike more ‘conventional’ Neumann-Neumann preconditioners this iterates over ALL the degrees of freedom, NOT just those on the interface (this allows the use of approximate solvers on the subdomains; though in our experience using approximate solvers is slower.).

Contributed by Paulo Goldfeld

See Also#

PCCreate(), PCSetType(), PCType, PC, MATIS, PCBDDC





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