
Adds another point to each of the scatter plots as well as a numeric value to be used to colorize the scatter point.


#include "petscdraw.h" 
#include "petscsys.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSPAddPointColorized(PetscDrawSP sp, PetscReal *x, PetscReal *y, PetscReal *z)

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • sp - the scatter plot data structure

  • x - array of length dim containing the new x coordinate values for each of the point curves.

  • y - array of length dim containing the new y coordinate values for each of the point curves.

  • z - array of length dim containing the numeric values that will be mapped to [0,255] and used for scatter point colors.


The dimensions of the arrays is the number of point curves passed to PetscDrawSPCreate(). The new points will not be displayed until a call to PetscDrawSPDraw() is made

See Also#

PetscDrawSPAddPoints(), PetscDrawSP, PetscDrawSPCreate(), PetscDrawSPReset(), PetscDrawSPDraw(), PetscDrawSPAddPoint()





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