
compute the sparsity and sign pattern of the interior product matrix computed in PetscDTAltVInteriorMatrix()


#include "petscdt.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscDTAltVInteriorPattern(PetscInt N, PetscInt k, PetscInt (*indices)[3])

Input Parameters#

  • N - the dimension of the vector space, N >= 0

  • k - the degree of the k-forms on which intvMat from PetscDTAltVInteriorMatrix() acts, 0 <= k <= N.

Output Parameter#

  • indices - The interior product matrix intvMat has size [(N choose (k-1)) x (N choose k)] and has (N choose k) * k non-zeros. indices[i][0] and indices[i][1] are the row and column of a non-zero, and its value is equal to the vector coordinate v[j] if indices[i][2] = j, or -v[j] if indices[i][2] = -(j+1)


This function is useful when the interior product needs to be computed at multiple locations, as when computing the Koszul differential

See Also#

PetscDTAltV, PetscDTAltVInterior(), PetscDTAltVInteriorMatrix(), PetscDTAltVPullback(), PetscDTAltVPullbackMatrix()





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