
set DMSTAG coordinates to be a uniform grid



Input Parameters#

  • dm - the DMSTAG object

  • xmin - minimum global coordinate value in the x direction

  • xmax - maximum global coordinate values in the x direction

  • ymin - minimum global coordinate value in the y direction

  • ymax - maximum global coordinate value in the y direction

  • zmin - minimum global coordinate value in the z direction

  • zmax - maximum global coordinate value in the z direction


DMSTAG supports 2 different types of coordinate DM: DMSTAG and DMPRODUCT. Arguments corresponding to higher dimensions are ignored for 1D and 2D grids.

Local coordinates are populated (using DMSetCoordinatesLocal()), linearly extrapolated to ghost cells, including those outside the physical domain. This is also done in case of periodic boundaries, meaning that the same global point may have different coordinates in different local representations, which are equivalent assuming a periodicity implied by the arguments to this function, i.e. two points are equivalent if their difference is a multiple of \((\)xmax \(-\) xmin \()\) in the x direction, \((\) ymax \(-\) ymin \()\) in the y direction, and \((\) zmax \(-\) zmin \()\) in the z direction.

See Also#

DMSTAG: Staggered, Structured Grid, DMSTAG, DMPRODUCT, DMStagSetUniformCoordinatesExplicit(), DMStagSetUniformCoordinatesProduct(), DMStagSetCoordinateDMType(), DMGetCoordinateDM(), DMGetCoordinates(), DMDASetUniformCoordinates(), DMBoundaryType





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