
get the symmetries for the orientations of a stratum


#include "petscdmlabel.h"   
#include "petscsection.h"   
PetscErrorCode PetscSectionSymLabelGetStratum(PetscSectionSym sym, PetscInt stratum, PetscInt *size, PetscInt *minOrient, PetscInt *maxOrient, const PetscInt ***perms, const PetscScalar ***rots)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • sym - the section symmetries

  • stratum - the stratum value in the label that we are assigning symmetries for

Output Parameters#

  • size - the number of dofs for points in the stratum of the label

  • minOrient - the smallest orientation for a point in this stratum

  • maxOrient - one greater than the largest orientation for a ppoint in this stratum (i.e., orientations are in the range [minOrient, maxOrient))

  • perms - NULL if there are no permutations, or (maxOrient - minOrient) permutations, one for each orientation. A NULL permutation is the identity

  • rots - NULL if there are no rotations, or (maxOrient - minOrient) sets of rotations, one for each orientation. A NULL set of orientations is the identity

See Also#

DMLabel, DM, PetscSectionSymLabelSetStratum(), PetscSectionSymCreate(), PetscSectionSetSym(), PetscSectionGetPointSyms(), PetscSectionSymCreateLabel()





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