
C struct that contains information about a structured grid and a processors logical location in it.


typedef struct {
  PetscInt        dim, dof, sw;
  PetscInt        mx, my, mz;    /* global number of grid points in each direction */
  PetscInt        xs, ys, zs;    /* starting point of this processor, excluding ghosts */
  PetscInt        xm, ym, zm;    /* number of grid points on this processor, excluding ghosts */
  PetscInt        gxs, gys, gzs; /* starting point of this processor including ghosts */
  PetscInt        gxm, gym, gzm; /* number of grid points on this processor including ghosts */
  DMBoundaryType  bx, by, bz;    /* type of ghost nodes at boundary */
  DMDAStencilType st;
  DM              da;
} DMDALocalInfo;

Fortran Note#

This should be declared as


and the entries accessed via

    info(DMDA_LOCAL_INFO_DOF) etc.

The entries bx,by,bz, st, and da are not accessible from Fortran.

See Also#

DMDA, DMDACreate1d(), DMDACreate2d(), DMDACreate3d(), DMDestroy(), DM, DMDAGetLocalInfo(), DMDAGetInfo()





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