Changes: 3.6#
User makefiles must be updated. You must change the lines
include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables and
include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables and
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules
PetscOptionsBool() no longer sets the value of the boolean based on the value passed in
Script for running MPIUni jobs is now bin/petsc-mpiexec.uni
Removed all threadcomm support including –with-pthreadclasses and –with-openmpclasses configure arguments
Updated MUMPS version to 5.0.0 - and updated metis to 5.1.0, parmetis to 4.0.3-p1 - in sync with MUMPS.
Updated to hypre-2.10.0b, scotch_6.0.3, Elemental-0.85
Add toplevel makefile targets clean and distclean. Target clean deletes petsc libraries built by makefile target all. Target distclean deletes all build files created by configure and [make all]. Target clean in example directories continues to work as before [deletes object files and executables]
PetscDrawBoxedString() changed to PetscDrawStringBoxed() added PetscDrawBar object for drawing bar graphs added PetscDrawStringCentered()
MatGetVecs() replaced with MatCreateVecs() because it actually does create the Vecs that need to be destroyed
MatCreateMPIAIJConcatenateSeqAIJ and MatCreateMPIBAIJConcatenateSeqBAIJ replaced with MatCreateMPIMatConcatenateSeqMat
MatGetRedundantMatrix() replaced with MatCreateRedundantMatrix()
Added support for MUMPS sequential solver in Schur complement mode
MatGetSubMatricesMPI() will extract parallel submatrices on subcommunicators of the supplied IS objects. Unsorted, but not repeated indices are okay.
Removed MatMFFDAddNullSpace() just use MatSetNullSpace()
Removed -pc_hypre_type euclid due to bit-rot
Upgraded to SuiteSparse 4.4.1; Cholmod supports using GPUs (developer repository only feature) –with-cuda –download-suitesparse-gpu –with-64-bit-indices; -mat_cholmod_useGPU 1 or 0; 1 by default when configured for it
Upgraded to Superlu_DIST 4.0; Superlu_DIST supports using GPUs (developer repository only feature) –with-cuda –with-openmp –download-superlu_dist-gpu (developer repository only feature) –with-64-bit-indices -mat_cholmod_useGPU 1 or 0; 1 by default when configured for it
Added PCBDDCSetChangeOfBasisMat for user defined change of basis
PCBDDC: added adaptive selection of constraints: it is available by command line options
PCJacobiSetUseAbs() now takes a PetscBool argument allowing toggling the option
PCJacobiSetUseRowMax() and PCJacobiSetUseRowSum() have been merged into PCJacobiSetType()
PCFactorSetUseInplace() now takes a PetscBool argument. Added PCFactorGetUseInplace()
PCFactorSetAllowDiagonalFill() now takes a PetscBool argument. Added PCFactorGetAllowDiagonalFill()
PCEisenstatNoDiagonalScaling() changed to PCEisenstatSetNoDiagonalScaling() and takes a boolean
Added Interface to AMS solver from HYPRE for Nedelec discretizations (-pc_hypre_type ams)
Added Interface to ADS solver from HYPRE for Raviart-Thomas discretizations (-pc_hypre_type ads)
Contributed MKL Pardiso interface providing PCCholesky support. Useable with: -pc_type cholesky -mat_type sbaij -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mkl_pardiso
PCGASMSetTotalSubdomains() can now create multirank subdomains if their number is less than comm size.
PCGAMGSetReuseProl() is changed to PCGAMGSetReuseInterpolation()
Removed KSPSetNullSpace() always use MatSetNullSpace() provided to the FIRST matrix argument to KSPSetOperators(), or SNESSetJacobian(), or TSSetIJacobian()
Added MatSetTransposeNullSpace() to indicate the null space of the transpose operator
Removed KSPSPECEST since its functionality is replaced by the esteig functionality within KSPChebyshev
Unified KSPChebyshev routines that work with estimating eigenvalues with the prefix name KSPChebyshevEstEig… For example KSPChebyshevSetEstimateEigenvalues() is now KSPChebyshevEstEigSet() and KSPChebyshevSetEstimateEigenvaluesRandom() is now KSPChebyshevEstEigSetRandom() similarly -ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues_random is -ksp_chebyshev_esteig_random. The previous for the (GMRES) KSP used to estimate the eigenvalues is now esteig_ not est_
KSPGetVecs() replaced with KSPCreateVecs() because it actually does create the Vecs that need to be destroyed
Added KSPMonitorSNES() with command line option -ksp_monitor_snes and -ksp_monitor_snes_lg to monitor SNES residual norm at each linear iteration SNESMonitorVI() becomes SNESVIMonitor()
Added SNESVIMonitorResidual() and -snes_vi_monitor_residual
The postevent routine set with TSSetEventMonitor() now takes an additional PetscBool argument ‘forwardsolve’. The forwardsolve flag is used to distinguish between a TS forward solve (forwardsolve = 1) and adjoint solve (forwardsolve = 0).
Added TSAdjointSolve() for adjoint sensitivity analysis
EquationType is introduced to distinguish between ODEs and DAEs. It needs to be set accordingly before solving the problem through TSSetEquationType(). It currently only affects arkimex methods.
DMCreateInjection() now returns a Mat, rather than a VecScatter
The MatType argument is removed from DMCreateMatrix(), you can use DMSetMatType() to indicate the type you want used with a DM, defaults to MATAIJ
You can now use DMDASetAOType() to indicate the type of AO you want used with a DMDA (defaults to AOBASIC)
Can now redistribute parallel meshes
Can now increase the overlap of parallel meshes
Added new mesh formats, Fluent CAS and Gmsh
HDF5 viewer will save Vecs and DMDA Vecs with a dimension of 1 if the bs/dof of the vector is 1. To always include this dimension as a specific dimension in the HDF5 file even if if it is of size 1 use PetscViewerHDF5SetBaseDimension2() or -viewer_hdf5_base_dimension2 true
PetscOptionsHead() now takes a PetscOptions argument.
PetscObjectAddOptionsHandler() now takes an event handler that includes a PetscOptions argument. PetscObjectProcessOptionsHandlers() requires this as input.
Fortran include files are now in include/petsc/finclude instead of include/finclude. Thus replace uses of #include “finclude/xxx.h” with #include “petsc/finclude/xxx.h”. Reason for change: to namespace the finclude directory with PETSc for –prefix installs of PETSc and for packaging systems