:orphan: # SNESCreate Creates a nonlinear solver context used to manage a set of nonlinear solves ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsnes.h" PetscErrorCode SNESCreate(MPI_Comm comm, SNES *outsnes) ``` Collective ## Input Parameter - ***comm -*** MPI communicator ## Output Parameter - ***outsnes -*** the new `SNES` context ## Options Database Keys - ***-snes_mf -*** Activates default matrix-free Jacobian-vector products, and no preconditioning matrix - ***-snes_mf_operator -*** Activates default matrix-free Jacobian-vector products, and a user-provided preconditioning matrix as set by `SNESSetJacobian()` - ***-snes_fd_coloring -*** uses a relative fast computation of the Jacobian using finite differences and a graph coloring - ***-snes_fd -*** Uses (slow!) finite differences to compute Jacobian ## Developer Notes `SNES` always creates a `KSP` object even though many `SNES` methods do not use it. This is unfortunate and should be fixed at some point. The flag snes->usesksp indicates if the particular method does use `KSP` and regulates if the information about the `KSP` is printed in `SNESView()`. `TSSetFromOptions()` does call `SNESSetFromOptions()` which can lead to users being confused by help messages about meaningless `SNES` options. `SNES` always creates the snes->kspconvctx even though it is used by only one type. This should be fixed. ## See Also [](ch_snes), `SNES`, `SNESSolve()`, `SNESDestroy()`, `SNES`, `SNESSetLagPreconditioner()`, `SNESSetLagJacobian()` ## Level beginner ## Location src/snes/interface/snes.c ## Examples src/snes/tutorials/ex1.c
## Implementations SNESCreate_Composite in src/snes/impls/composite/snescomposite.c
SNESCreate_FAS in src/snes/impls/fas/fas.c
SNESCreate_NGS in src/snes/impls/gs/snesgs.c
SNESCreate_KSPONLY in src/snes/impls/ksponly/ksponly.c
SNESCreate_KSPTRANSPOSEONLY in src/snes/impls/ksponly/ksponly.c
SNESCreate_NEWTONLS in src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
SNESCreate_MS in src/snes/impls/ms/ms.c
SNESCreate_Multiblock in src/snes/impls/multiblock/multiblock.c
SNESCreate_ASPIN in src/snes/impls/nasm/aspin.c
SNESCreate_NASM in src/snes/impls/nasm/nasm.c
SNESCreate_NCG in src/snes/impls/ncg/snesncg.c
SNESCreate_Anderson in src/snes/impls/ngmres/anderson.c
SNESCreate_NGMRES in src/snes/impls/ngmres/snesngmres.c
SNESCreate_NEWTONTRDC in src/snes/impls/ntrdc/ntrdc.c
SNESCreate_Patch in src/snes/impls/patch/snespatch.c
SNESCreate_QN in src/snes/impls/qn/qn.c
SNESCreate_NRichardson in src/snes/impls/richardson/snesrichardson.c
SNESCreate_Shell in src/snes/impls/shell/snesshell.c
SNESCreate_NEWTONTR in src/snes/impls/tr/tr.c
SNESCreate_VINEWTONRSLS in src/snes/impls/vi/rs/virs.c
SNESCreate_VINEWTONSSLS in src/snes/impls/vi/ss/viss.c
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