:orphan: # PetscSFSetGraph Set a parallel star forest ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsf.h" PetscErrorCode PetscSFSetGraph(PetscSF sf, PetscInt nroots, PetscInt nleaves, PetscInt *ilocal, PetscCopyMode localmode, PetscSFNode *iremote, PetscCopyMode remotemode) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***sf -*** star forest - ***nroots -*** number of root vertices on the current process (these are possible targets for other process to attach leaves) - ***nleaves -*** number of leaf vertices on the current process, each of these references a root on any process - ***ilocal -*** locations of leaves in leafdata buffers, pass `NULL` for contiguous storage (locations must be >= 0, enforced during setup in debug mode) - ***localmode -*** copy mode for `ilocal` - ***iremote -*** remote locations of root vertices for each leaf on the current process (locations must be >= 0, enforced during setup in debug mode) - ***remotemode -*** copy mode for `iremote` ## Notes Leaf indices in `ilocal` must be unique, otherwise an error occurs. Input arrays `ilocal` and `iremote` follow the `PetscCopyMode` semantics. In particular, if `localmode` or `remotemode` is `PETSC_OWN_POINTER` or `PETSC_USE_POINTER`, PETSc might modify the respective array; if `PETSC_USE_POINTER`, the user must delete the array after `PetscSFDestroy()`. Only if `PETSC_COPY_VALUES` is used, the respective array is guaranteed to stay intact and a const array can be passed (but a cast to non-const is needed). ## Fortran Note In Fortran you must use `PETSC_COPY_VALUES` for `localmode` and `remotemode`. ## Developer Note We sort leaves to check for duplicates and contiguousness and to find minleaf/maxleaf. This also allows to compare leaf sets of two `PetscSF`s easily. ## See Also `PetscSF`, `PetscSFType`, `PetscSFCreate()`, `PetscSFView()`, `PetscSFGetGraph()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/vec/is/sf/interface/sf.c ## Examples src/dm/tutorials/swarm_ex3.c
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