:orphan: # PetscSFCreateRemoteOffsets Create offsets for point data on remote processes ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscsf.h" PetscErrorCode PetscSFCreateRemoteOffsets(PetscSF sf, PetscSection rootSection, PetscSection leafSection, PetscInt **remoteOffsets) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***sf -*** The `PetscSF` - ***rootSection -*** Data layout of remote points for outgoing data (this is layout for SF roots) - ***leafSection -*** Data layout of local points for incoming data (this is layout for SF leaves) ## Output Parameter - ***remoteOffsets -*** Offsets for point data on remote processes (these are offsets from the root section), or NULL ## Fortran Notes In Fortran, use PetscSFCreateRemoteOffsetsF90() ## See Also `PetscSF`, `PetscSFCreate()` ## Level developer ## Location src/vec/is/sf/utils/sfutils.c ## Examples src/dm/impls/plex/tutorials/ex14.c
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