:orphan: # PCTelescopeSetUseCoarseDM Set a flag to query the `DM` attached to the `PC` if it also has a coarse `DM` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscksp.h" #include "petscdm.h" PetscErrorCode PCTelescopeSetUseCoarseDM(PC pc, PetscBool v) ``` Not Collective ## Input Parameter - ***pc -*** the preconditioner context ## Output Parameter - ***v -*** Use `PETSC_FALSE` to ignore any coarse `DM` ## Notes When you have specified to use a coarse `DM`, the communicator used to create the sub-KSP within `PCTELESCOPE` will be that of the coarse `DM`. Hence the flags -pc_telescope_reduction_factor and -pc_telescope_subcomm_type will no longer have any meaning. It is required that the communicator associated with the parent (fine) and the coarse `DM` are of different sizes. An error will occur of the size of the communicator associated with the coarse `DM` is the same as that of the parent `DM`. Furthermore, it is required that the communicator on the coarse DM is a sub-communicator of the parent. This will be checked at the time the preconditioner is setup and an error will occur if the coarse DM does not define a sub-communicator of that used by the parent DM. The particular Telescope setup invoked when using a coarse DM is agnostic with respect to the type of the `DM` used (e.g. it supports `DMSHELL`, `DMPLEX`, etc). Support is currently only provided for the case when you are using `KSPSetComputeOperators()` The user is required to compose a function with the parent DM to facilitate the transfer of fields (`Vec`) between the different decompositions defined by the fine and coarse `DM`s. In the user code, this is achieved via ```none { DM dm_fine; PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)dm_fine,"PCTelescopeFieldScatter",your_field_scatter_method); } ``` The signature of the user provided field scatter method is ```none PetscErrorCode your_field_scatter_method(DM dm_fine,Vec x_fine,ScatterMode mode,DM dm_coarse,Vec x_coarse); ``` The user must provide support for both mode = `SCATTER_FORWARD` and mode = `SCATTER_REVERSE`. `SCATTER_FORWARD` implies the direction of transfer is from the parent (fine) `DM` to the coarse `DM`. Optionally, the user may also compose a function with the parent DM to facilitate the transfer of state variables between the fine and coarse `DM`s. In the context of a finite element discretization, an example state variable might be values associated with quadrature points within each element. A user provided state scatter method is composed via ```none { DM dm_fine; PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)dm_fine,"PCTelescopeStateScatter",your_state_scatter_method); } ``` The signature of the user provided state scatter method is ```none PetscErrorCode your_state_scatter_method(DM dm_fine,ScatterMode mode,DM dm_coarse); ``` `SCATTER_FORWARD` implies the direction of transfer is from the fine `DM` to the coarse `DM`. The user is only required to support mode = `SCATTER_FORWARD`. No assumption is made about the data type of the state variables. These must be managed by the user and must be accessible from the `DM`. Care must be taken in defining the user context passed to `KSPSetComputeOperators()` which is to be associated with the sub-`KSP` residing within `PCTELESCOPE`. In general, `PCTELESCOPE` assumes that the context on the fine and coarse `DM` used with `KSPSetComputeOperators()` should be "similar" in type or origin. Specifically the following rules are used to infer what context on the sub-`KSP` should be. First the contexts from the `KSP` and the fine and coarse `DM`s are retrieved. Note that the special case of a `DMSHELL` context is queried. ```none DMKSPGetComputeOperators(dm_fine,&dmfine_kspfunc,&dmfine_kspctx); DMGetApplicationContext(dm_fine,&dmfine_appctx); DMShellGetContext(dm_fine,&dmfine_shellctx); DMGetApplicationContext(dm_coarse,&dmcoarse_appctx); DMShellGetContext(dm_coarse,&dmcoarse_shellctx); ``` ## The following rules are then enforced ## 1. If dmfine_kspctx = NULL, then we provide a NULL pointer as the context for the sub-KSP `KSPSetComputeOperators`(sub_ksp,dmfine_kspfunc,NULL); 2. If dmfine_kspctx != NULL and dmfine_kspctx == dmfine_appctx, ## check that dmcoarse_appctx is also non-NULL. If this is true, then `KSPSetComputeOperators`(sub_ksp,dmfine_kspfunc,dmcoarse_appctx); 3. If dmfine_kspctx != NULL and dmfine_kspctx == dmfine_shellctx, ## check that dmcoarse_shellctx is also non-NULL. If this is true, then `KSPSetComputeOperators`(sub_ksp,dmfine_kspfunc,dmcoarse_shellctx); If neither of the above three tests passed, then `PCTELESCOPE` cannot safely determine what context should be provided to `KSPSetComputeOperators()` for use with the sub-`KSP`. In this case, an additional mechanism is provided via a composed function which will return the actual context to be used. To use this feature you must compose the "getter" function with the coarse `DM`, e.g. ```none { DM dm_coarse; PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)dm_coarse,"PCTelescopeGetCoarseDMKSPContext",your_coarse_context_getter); } ``` The signature of the user provided method is ```none PetscErrorCode your_coarse_context_getter(DM dm_coarse,void **your_kspcontext); ``` ## See Also `PCTELESCOPE`, `PCTelescopeSetIgnoreDM()`, `PCTelescopeSetUseCoarseDM()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/telescope/telescope.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex73.c
## Implementations PCTelescopeSetUseCoarseDM_Telescope in src/ksp/pc/impls/telescope/telescope.c
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