:orphan: # PCSPAISetNBSteps set maximum number of improvement steps per row in the `PCSPAI` preconditioner ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCSPAISetNBSteps(PC pc, PetscInt nbsteps1) ``` ## Input Parameters - ***pc -*** the preconditioner - ***n -*** number of steps (default 5) ## Note `PCSPAI` constructs to approximation to every column of the exact inverse of A in a series of improvement steps. The quality of the approximation is determined by epsilon. If an approximation achieving an accuracy of epsilon is not obtained after ns steps, SPAI simply uses the best approximation constructed so far. ## See Also `PCSPAI`, `PCSetType()`, `PCSPAISetMaxNew()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/spai/ispai.c ## Implementations PCSPAISetNBSteps_SPAI in src/ksp/pc/impls/spai/ispai.c
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