:orphan: # PCHPDDMGetSTShareSubKSP Gets whether the `KSP` in SLEPc `ST` and the fine-level subdomain solver is shared. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCHPDDMGetSTShareSubKSP(PC pc, PetscBool *share) ``` ## Input Parameter - ***pc -*** preconditioner context ## Output Parameter - ***share -*** whether the `KSP` is shared or not ## Note This is not the same as `PCGetReusePreconditioner()`. The return value is unlikely to be true, but when it is, a symbolic factorization can be skipped when using a subdomain `PCType` such as `PCLU` or `PCCHOLESKY`. ## See Also `PCHPDDM`, `PCHPDDMSetSTShareSubKSP()` ## Level advanced ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/hpddm/pchpddm.cxx ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex76.c
## Implementations PCHPDDMGetSTShareSubKSP_HPDDM in src/ksp/pc/impls/hpddm/pchpddm.cxx
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