:orphan: # PCHPDDM Interface with the HPDDM library. This `PC` may be used to build multilevel spectral domain decomposition methods based on the GenEO framework [2011, 2019]. It may be viewed as an alternative to spectral AMGe or `PCBDDC` with adaptive selection of constraints. The interface is explained in details in [2021] (see references below) The matrix to be preconditioned (Pmat) may be unassembled (`MATIS`), assembled (`MATAIJ`, `MATBAIJ`, or `MATSBAIJ`), hierarchical (`MATHTOOL`), or `MATNORMAL`. For multilevel preconditioning, when using an assembled or hierarchical Pmat, one must provide an auxiliary local `Mat` (unassembled local operator for GenEO) using `PCHPDDMSetAuxiliaryMat()`. Calling this routine is not needed when using a `MATIS` Pmat, assembly is done internally using `MatConvert()`. ## Options Database Keys - ***-pc_hpddm_define_subdomains -*** on the finest level, calls `PCASMSetLocalSubdomains()` with the `IS` supplied in `PCHPDDMSetAuxiliaryMat()` (not relevant with an unassembled Pmat) - ***-pc_hpddm_has_neumann -*** on the finest level, informs the `PC` that the local Neumann matrix is supplied in `PCHPDDMSetAuxiliaryMat()` - ***-pc_hpddm_coarse_correction -*** determines the `PCHPDDMCoarseCorrectionType` when calling `PCApply()` Options for subdomain solvers, subdomain eigensolvers (for computing deflation vectors), and the coarse solver can be set using the following options database prefixes. ```none -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_pc_ -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_ksp_ -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_eps_ -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_p -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_mat_type -pc_hpddm_coarse_ -pc_hpddm_coarse_p -pc_hpddm_coarse_mat_type -pc_hpddm_coarse_mat_chop ``` E.g., -pc_hpddm_levels_1_sub_pc_type lu -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_nev 10 -pc_hpddm_levels_2_p 4 -pc_hpddm_levels_2_sub_pc_type lu -pc_hpddm_levels_2_eps_nev 10 -pc_hpddm_coarse_p 2 -pc_hpddm_coarse_mat_type baij will use 10 deflation vectors per subdomain on the fine "level 1", aggregate the fine subdomains into 4 "level 2" subdomains, then use 10 deflation vectors per subdomain on "level 2", and assemble the coarse matrix (of dimension 4 x 10 = 40) on two processes as a `MATBAIJ` (default is `MATSBAIJ`). In order to activate a "level N+1" coarse correction, it is mandatory to call -pc_hpddm_levels_N_eps_nev or -pc_hpddm_levels_N_eps_threshold . The default -pc_hpddm_coarse_p value is 1, meaning that the coarse operator is aggregated on a single process. This preconditioner requires that you build PETSc with SLEPc (``--download-slepc``). By default, the underlying concurrent eigenproblems are solved using SLEPc shift-and-invert spectral transformation. This is usually what gives the best performance for GenEO, cf. [2011, 2013]. As stated above, SLEPc options are available through -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_, e.g., -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_type arpack -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_nev 10 -pc_hpddm_levels_1_st_type sinvert. There are furthermore three options related to the (subdomain-wise local) eigensolver that are not described in SLEPc documentation since they are specific to `PCHPDDM`. ```none -pc_hpddm_levels_1_st_share_sub_ksp -pc_hpddm_levels_%d_eps_threshold -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_use_inertia ``` The first option from the list only applies to the fine-level eigensolver, see `PCHPDDMSetSTShareSubKSP()`. The second option from the list is used to filter eigenmodes retrieved after convergence of `EPSSolve()` at "level N" such that eigenvectors used to define a "level N+1" coarse correction are associated to eigenvalues whose magnitude are lower or equal than -pc_hpddm_levels_N_eps_threshold. When using an `EPS` which cannot determine a priori the proper -pc_hpddm_levels_N_eps_nev such that all wanted eigenmodes are retrieved, it is possible to get an estimation of the correct value using the third option from the list, -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_use_inertia, see `MatGetInertia()`. In that case, there is no need to supply -pc_hpddm_levels_1_eps_nev. This last option also only applies to the fine-level (N = 1) eigensolver. ## References - ***2011 -*** A robust two-level domain decomposition preconditioner for systems of PDEs. Spillane, Dolean, Hauret, Nataf, Pechstein, and Scheichl. Comptes Rendus Mathematique. - ***2013 -*** Scalable domain decomposition preconditioners for heterogeneous elliptic problems. Jolivet, Hecht, Nataf, and Prud'homme. SC13. - ***2015 -*** An introduction to domain decomposition methods: algorithms, theory, and parallel implementation. Dolean, Jolivet, and Nataf. SIAM. - ***2019 -*** A multilevel Schwarz preconditioner based on a hierarchy of robust coarse spaces. Al Daas, Grigori, Jolivet, and Tournier. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. - ***2021 -*** KSPHPDDM and PCHPDDM: extending PETSc with advanced Krylov methods and robust multilevel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners. Jolivet, Roman, and Zampini. Computer & Mathematics with Applications. - ***2022a -*** A robust algebraic domain decomposition preconditioner for sparse normal equations. Al Daas, Jolivet, and Scott. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. - ***2022b -*** A robust algebraic multilevel domain decomposition preconditioner for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices. Al Daas and Jolivet. ## See Also `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType`, `PC`, `PCHPDDMSetAuxiliaryMat()`, `MATIS`, `PCBDDC`, `PCDEFLATION`, `PCTELESCOPE`, `PCASM`, `PCHPDDMSetCoarseCorrectionType()`, `PCHPDDMHasNeumannMat()`, `PCHPDDMSetRHSMat()`, `PCHPDDMSetDeflationMat()`, `PCHPDDMSetSTShareSubKSP()`, `PCHPDDMGetSTShareSubKSP()`, `PCHPDDMGetCoarseCorrectionType()`, `PCHPDDMGetComplexities()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/hpddm/pchpddm.cxx ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex76.c
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