:orphan: # PCH2OPUS "h2opus" - A preconditioner type for, `MATH2OPUS`, hierarchical matrices using the H2Opus package. ## Options Database Keys - ***-pc_type h2opus -*** pc type to "h2opus" during a call to `PCSetFromOptions()` - ***-pc_h2opus_maxits -*** maximum number of iterations for Newton-Schultz - ***-pc_h2opus_monitor -*** monitor Newton-Schultz convergence - ***-pc_h2opus_atol -*** absolute tolerance - ***-pc_h2opus_rtol -*** relative tolerance - ***-pc_h2opus_norm_type -*** normtype - ***-pc_h2opus_hyperorder -*** Hyper power order of sampling - ***-pc_h2opus_leafsize -*** leaf size when constructed from kernel - ***-pc_h2opus_eta -*** admissibility condition tolerance - ***-pc_h2opus_maxrank -*** maximum rank when constructed from matvecs - ***-pc_h2opus_samples -*** number of samples to be taken concurrently when constructing from matvecs - ***-pc_h2opus_mrtol -*** relative tolerance for construction from sampling - ***-pc_h2opus_forcecpu -*** force construction of preconditioner on CPU ## See Also `MATH2OPUS`, `MATHTOOL`, `MATDENSE`, `MatCreateH2OpusFromKernel()`, `MatCreateH2OpusFromMat()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/h2opus/pch2opus.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex21.c
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