:orphan: # PCGASMSetUseDMSubdomains Indicates whether to use `DMCreateDomainDecomposition()` to define the subdomains, whenever possible for `PCGASM` ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCGASMSetUseDMSubdomains(PC pc, PetscBool flg) ``` Logically Collective ## Input Parameters - ***pc -*** the preconditioner - ***flg -*** boolean indicating whether to use subdomains defined by the `DM` ## Options Database Key - ***-pc_gasm_dm_subdomains -*** pc_gasm_overlap -pc_gasm_total_subdomains ## Note `PCGASMSetSubdomains()`, `PCGASMSetTotalSubdomains()` or `PCGASMSetOverlap()` take precedence over `PCGASMSetUseDMSubdomains()`, so setting `PCGASMSetSubdomains()` with nontrivial subdomain ISs or any of `PCGASMSetTotalSubdomains()` and `PCGASMSetOverlap()` automatically turns the latter off. ## See Also `PCGASM`, `PCGASMGetUseDMSubdomains()`, `PCGASMSetSubdomains()`, `PCGASMSetOverlap()` `PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/gasm/gasm.c --- [Edit on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/edit/release/src/ksp/pc/impls/gasm/gasm.c) [Index of all PC routines](index.md) [Table of Contents for all manual pages](/manualpages/index.md) [Index of all manual pages](/manualpages/singleindex.md)