:orphan: # PCFactorSetFill Indicate the amount of fill you expect in the factored matrix, fill = number nonzeros in factor/number nonzeros in original matrix. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCFactorSetFill(PC pc, PetscReal fill) ``` Not Collective, each process can expect a different amount of fill ## Input Parameters - ***pc -*** the preconditioner context - ***fill -*** amount of expected fill ## Options Database Key - ***-pc_factor_fill -*** Sets fill amount ## Notes For sparse matrix factorizations it is difficult to predict how much fill to expect. By running with the option -info PETSc will print the actual amount of fill used; allowing you to set the value accurately for future runs. Default PETSc uses a value of 5.0 This is ignored for most solver packages This parameter has NOTHING to do with the levels-of-fill of ILU(). That is set with `PCFactorSetLevels()` or -pc_factor_levels. ## See Also `PCLU`, `PCCHOLESKY`, `PCILU`, `PCICC`, `PCFactorSetReuseFill()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/factor/factor.c ## Implementations PCFactorSetFill_Factor in src/ksp/pc/impls/factor/factimpl.c
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