:orphan: # PCCOMPOSITE Build a preconditioner by composing together several preconditioners ## Options Database Keys - ***-pc_composite_type -*** Sets composite preconditioner type - ***-pc_use_amat -*** activates `PCSetUseAmat()` - ***-pc_composite_pcs -*** list of PCs to compose ## Notes To use a Krylov method inside the composite preconditioner, set the `PCType` of one or more inner `PC`s to be `PCKSP`. Using a Krylov method inside another Krylov method can be dangerous (you get divergence or the incorrect answer) unless you use `KSPFGMRES` as the outer Krylov method To use a different operator to construct one of the inner preconditioners first call `PCCompositeGetPC()`, then call `PCSetOperators()` on that `PC`. ## See Also `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType`, `PC`, `PCSHELL`, `PCKSP`, `PCCompositeSetType()`, `PCCompositeSpecialSetAlpha()`, `PCCompositeAddPCType()`, `PCCompositeGetPC()`, `PCSetUseAmat()`, `PCCompositeAddPC()`, `PCCompositeGetNumberPC()` ## Level intermediate ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/composite/composite.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex60.c
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