:orphan: # PCASMSetLocalSubdomains Sets the local subdomains (for this processor only) for the additive Schwarz preconditioner `PCASM`. ## Synopsis ``` #include "petscpc.h" PetscErrorCode PCASMSetLocalSubdomains(PC pc, PetscInt n, IS is[], IS is_local[]) ``` Collective ## Input Parameters - ***pc -*** the preconditioner context - ***n -*** the number of subdomains for this processor (default value = 1) - ***is -*** the index set that defines the subdomains for this processor (or `NULL` for PETSc to determine subdomains) - ***is_local -*** the index sets that define the local part of the subdomains for this processor, not used unless PCASMType is PC_ASM_RESTRICT (or `NULL` to not provide these) ## Options Database Key - ***-pc_asm_local_blocks -*** Sets number of local blocks ## Notes The `IS` numbering is in the parallel, global numbering of the vector for both is and is_local By default the `PCASM` preconditioner uses 1 block per processor. Use `PCASMSetTotalSubdomains()` to set the subdomains for all processors. If is_local is provided and `PCASMType` is `PC_ASM_RESTRICT` then the solution only over the is_local region is interpolated back to form the global solution (this is the standard restricted additive Schwarz method) If the is_local is provided and `PCASMType` is `PC_ASM_INTERPOLATE` or `PC_ASM_NONE` then an error is generated since there is no code to handle that case. ## See Also `PCASM`, `PCASMSetTotalSubdomains()`, `PCASMSetOverlap()`, `PCASMGetSubKSP()`, `PCASMCreateSubdomains2D()`, `PCASMGetLocalSubdomains()`, `PCASMType`, `PCASMSetType()`, `PCGASM` ## Level advanced ## Location src/ksp/pc/impls/asm/asm.c ## Examples src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex19.c
## Implementations PCASMSetLocalSubdomains_ASM in src/ksp/pc/impls/asm/asm.c
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